Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thanks for all of the suggestions; via email, facebook, and the like; regarding Wednesday Morning Story Time. There were many from you parental unit types that I would have had no clue about without your suggestions.

To answer some questions, I have about 5-10 minutes. These stories could always be broken up into multiple segments. As far as age group, these announcements are broadcast throughout the elementary school, which is 1st through 6th grade. The level of English here at this school is really quite low, so the actual content matters less than having something to inspire me to make humorous voices and exaggerated gestures.

I did another old standby, the 3 lil pigs, this Wednesday. I'll dig into the non-traditional suggestions soon.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday morning story time

This week I did Goldilocks and the Three Bears, featuring my infamous interpretive gesturing powers, for the televised morning announcements in one of the elementary schools where I work. I have been asked to do a story for the Wednesday morning announcements each week.

Might there be suggestions for traditional, or not so traditional, stories that will fit such a format?

I'll get the list started with two obvious suggestions:

-Three Little Pigs
-Little Red Riding Hood

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The anticlimactic postlude to the Indochina trip

I know that most of you will understand me correctly in that I am not judging Thailand and Malaysia as an anticlimax, but rather it was anticlimactic in that we were just running out of time and energy and that this is reflected in the quantity and quality of photos.

(Could that be the longest run-on sentence of 'stuff Shawn did' history? It has competition.)