Oh Gwangju, How I Loved-ju: Bus 95 (with special guests Amit, the Shinae, and First Nepal)
Like any Korean town of any size, Gwangju has a good bus system. Many of the bus stops feature this electronic reading with a helpful ETA. (And as seen here my bus, 95, was coming in 5 minutes.)
While enjoying a variety of buses during my tenure in Gwangju, 95 was my usual ride, taking me to the congregation at least 3 times a week, downtown, and elsewhere.
On this particular evening I was heading downtown (aka the shinae, 시내) to meet my friend Amit for some Nepalese food.
We spoke of the usual foreigner-in-Korea topics, Amit's past experiences traveling with UNICEF, and our futures whether in South Korea or in other places beginning with the word 'South'.
There was a certain quality of finality to the evening, being only a few days away from my departure. This was capped by the ride back home on bus 95. Bus 95 in the evening is commonly crowded with high school kids returning home after their dismissal from school at 10:00pm, but this particular evening had a certain 제네세콰 (jae-nae-sae-kwa) as clearly seen in the video below.